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Tressy starts first

with an energetic burst.


Tressy plants seeds and

she gets a bit messy.


She digs with a shovel

in the dirt.


The soil and the pebbles

move around and splurt.


She grows gardens of

flowers and food.


Being with the earth

helps her acquire a gentle mood.


She nurtures the plants

with a careful hand.


She respects and protects

this precious, little land.


With each new daylight,

the plants grow as a beautiful sight.


The water from the rain

helps them mature upon the plain.


Days and days go by,

as they stretch up to the sky.


When the harvest comes around,

their full foliage has them found.


Tressy gets her basket,

a wooden, wicker, brownish casket.


She collects the food and flowers,

which have transformed and grown for hours.


Colors of red, yellow, orange, and green,

creating an explosive, kaleidescope scene.


Tressy smiles with her work,

bringing hope with happiness as a perk.
